Angela's Castle
The area consists of an outer and inner space, both faced with faux stone walls bearing the appearance of an ancient fantasy castle. The inner area is the dressing space with at least 50 different costumes available hanging along the wall. There is a 50/50 mix of fantasy and professional costumes, along with a large basket of accessories to accent the costumes.
Two full length mirrors help kids decide on their look. The canopy is also part of the fantasy, with a gossamer tent-like cover. When they step into the outer area, a Sketch Booth set up allows parents to take instant pictures of the children and save them or post them to social media as desired.
Caters to kids from 2 through 10.
Angela’s Castle Activity: Loopy Lines
To children the classification of objects is not an easy task. Adults use their ability to classify when deciding how to organize the kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, garage or closet. Making our choices known to our children as we sort things in this way will help them with classification and understanding how to sort objects.
What to do:
· Designate two separate areas, one inside Angela’s Castle, the other outside Angela’s Castle. These two areas will be your “sorting spaces”. Make sure the areas are touching. You will need the center between the two areas to be the “both” area.
· Look at the costumes and accessories hanging inside the Castle. Choose two categories (animals vs. humans, heroes vs. civilians, etc.).
· Determine which area will be one category, and which will be the other. Mark the areas by using either a costume or accessory that falls into each of the categories you’ve chosen. Chose a third item that fits into both categories and place it in the middle, in the “both” area.
· Give the students a designated amount of time to sort all the items into the category areas. When you say “GO” have the students start sorting!
· Once the designated time is up, go through the items in each category, and ask the students if they agree or disagree with where the costume or accessory was placed by their classmates. If they disagree, ask them why.
· Allow the students to choose the next two categories. Repeat the game as many times as desired.
Questions to ask after the activity:
1. Why did you choose those two categories?
2. How many costumes or accessories fit into one category? How many fit into both category? Did any of the costumes or accessories not fit into any of the categories tried?
3. Is there any one attribute that would apply to all the costumes and accessories?
4. What attribute would not apply to any of the costumes or accessories?